After Easter lunch, when we were kids, the eagerly awaited Egg Hunt would begin. The adults hid tiny chocolate eggs all over the garden, behind old pots or large bushes. All the cousins ran around, looking for eggs and excited to see who would find the most. I loved it!
When I was little, I also remember how every year I would get excited about the possibility of receiving a Kinder chocolate egg, one of those huge ones-bigger than me. In fact, I only received it once, offered by an uncle, because my parents always complained about how expensive they were and the fact that they were full of strange ingredients and tons of sugar.
I always felt like the only one in the world who didn't receive those "big eggs", but nowadays, I can only agree that the conventional options that supermarkets have definitely aren't the best choices for us and certainly not for children.

So, I decided to create a delicious, sweet and fresh recipe, with ingredients richer in nutrients. In fact, I think they look even better than the ones I remember "hunting"!
This is a great activity to include the kids - they can have lots of fun making eggs in different colors, creating their favorite shapes and flavors!
Scroll down to the end of the post for some notes for this recipe; how to make pink or yellow eggs, marbled eggs, etc.
Coco and Lemon Easter Eggs
Approx. 45 little eggs
1 1/2 cup / 115g coconut flour
1/2 cup / 75g almonds
3/4 cup / 185g maple syrup
60g / 1 lemon
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 pinch of sea salt
1 pinch of vanilla powder
To colour:
beetroot powder + turmeric powder + moringa powder + matcha + spirulina + activated charcoal* any other natural colours of your choice!
To dip:
dark chocolate;
coconut butter;
cocoa butter;
1. Put the almonds in boiling water, remove the skin and add them to a food processor.

2. Grate the lemon zest into the food processor. Remove the excess white pith with a knife until you have only the lemon flesh, remove any white parts or seeds and add to the food processor.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and blend well until you have a uniform, grainy texture (see photo).

4. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and shape the egg with your hands. Repeat until you have used all the mixture - great to include the kids in this part!
5. To colour the eggs, roll them in the beetroot, turmeric, matcha, moringa, or activated charcoal powders! Add some extra coconut flour if you want lighter shades and pastel tones. Feel free to mix the powders to get more colours!

6. Keep the little eggs in the fridge for 2 hours so that they solidify a little and are ready to enjoy!

Notes for this recipe:
You can make them in advance and freeze them up to 2-4 hours before serving. - cover the eggs with melted dark chocolate, coconut butter or cocoa for a decadently delicious egg! - if you prefer, you can also dye the dough by adding colored powders. - for eggs with a marbled look, mix two different colored doughs when molding your egg!
With love, Joana.
You can learn more about Joana here or check out her website/shop full of sustainable recipes and tips here.
Joana is also the creator of the Cooking Club, a monthly project that you don't want to miss, where you can cook with her live.